Minangkabau indigenous people if the family does not have children, especially children, especially girls, it is permissible to adopt children as successors Ira Damayanti Putri
The legal system of inheritance in Indonesia is divided into three systems, namely western heirs legal system derived from burgerlijk wetboek (hereinafter referred to as "BW"), the legal system of inheritance of Islam derived from the Qur'an, hadith and ijma, and customary inheritance law Oemar Moechthar
Di Indonesia terdapat tiga hukum waris, yaitu hukum waris adat, hukum waris Islam, dan hukum waris BW. Hukum waris adat tidak terlepas dari adanya pluralisme hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia di mana setiap daerah memiliki adat yang berbeda-beda. Dinta Febriawanti
Solusi permasalahan waris